Thursday, April 30, 2009

The New Prince has arrived!

Robert Tyler Dean Jr. Prince #1 arrived April 24, 2009 at around 7:34 PM. He is Granny's first grandson. Named after his father I suppose we will call him Little Bobby. I'm not sure if I like that so much right now so my Mexican friends have helped me learn how to spell Little Mijo until I figure out some goofy nickname for him like I always end up sticking those I love with.

He was supposed to be 5 weeks early so when his momma's water broke on Friday morning we were all very concerned about his welfare. When he weighed in at 8.5 lbs and was 20 and 1/2 inches long it was quite obvious that he was no premie!

He is very handsome and has a nice full head of hair. He looks most like his mommy Audrey to Granny and for sure got her honker! Not that it would matter as both of prince Robert's parents have how can I say this BIG HONKERS!

He stayed at Kingwood Hospital for a few days then came to hang out with Granny for a few days. He has only been gone one day and I already miss him...

This picture is my favorite so far, but as you have probably figured out there are thousands to follow! : )

1 comment:

  1. Hey - he was born on my birthday! So of course he will grow up goodnatured and intelligent, as well as being so cute. (OH, and stubborn - should I mention stubborn?)
