Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sisters & Cousins

Summer Fun! Hanging out with Granny & Papaw on the boat, in the backyard or anywhere we want to go

Hanging out together

Granny's beautiful girls are having FUN!

The New Prince has arrived!

Robert Tyler Dean Jr. Prince #1 arrived April 24, 2009 at around 7:34 PM. He is Granny's first grandson. Named after his father I suppose we will call him Little Bobby. I'm not sure if I like that so much right now so my Mexican friends have helped me learn how to spell Little Mijo until I figure out some goofy nickname for him like I always end up sticking those I love with.

He was supposed to be 5 weeks early so when his momma's water broke on Friday morning we were all very concerned about his welfare. When he weighed in at 8.5 lbs and was 20 and 1/2 inches long it was quite obvious that he was no premie!

He is very handsome and has a nice full head of hair. He looks most like his mommy Audrey to Granny and for sure got her honker! Not that it would matter as both of prince Robert's parents have how can I say this BIG HONKERS!

He stayed at Kingwood Hospital for a few days then came to hang out with Granny for a few days. He has only been gone one day and I already miss him...

This picture is my favorite so far, but as you have probably figured out there are thousands to follow! : )

Granny's sweet little cupcake... Elyse

Oh princess #3 Elyse Evan Hollaway. She was born on May 6th, 2005. She is Jacy blaire's baby sister and Papaw's favorite!

Teeny tiny little petite bundle of energy, never stopping and so beautiful that people stop us everywhere we go to tell us so! She is hell on wheels and has been since the moment she started walking. A mommy's girl who loves to play outside, sing and dance and is quite fond of monkeys.
Ask her where she got her beauty from and she will tell you from her Papaw of course. She just learned to drive her Barbie jeep and believe me you better stay out of her way! She also drives her pop's boat "like a maniac" in her own words.
She loves to swim and sing kareoke with her Aunt Jenny. She is really good at writing her name (with Sharpie markers) on walls, doors and various pieces of furniture.
She goes by many nicknames such as Ellie, Ella Bella, Ellie Mae Hollaway, and Etta Betta the last one was given to her by her big sister before she could Ella Bella.
Elyse is Granny's precious baby girl. This photo is my favorite serious one. I finally got her to be still for 3.5 seconds. These shots are few and far between.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something about Layla

Princess #2 born 15 days after her cousin Jacy on June 20th, 2003.
Layla Nevaeh Dean. Her middle name is "Heaven spelled backwards" and she won't hesitate to tell you so.
Big brown eyes and big monkey ears, she will steal your heart with her silly sweetness.

Born with a chrome dome she finally grew blonde ringlets that have since turned a dirty blonde. She loves to sing silly songs and tell whopper stories and dare you to challenge their authenticity! She may answer your questions with "Because MY GRANNY said so!"
She likes to play video games, watch SCAREY movies and will be happy to train you in "Hong Kong Phooey".
She answers to Pop, Popdoodle, Lollypop, Popsicles, Lala Pop, and even Whawha Pop (she was dubbed this by princess #1 BEFORE she could talk so good). Layla is a FISHING fool, not to mention crabbing, bug catching, snake handling, baseball playing bike riding at 4 years old and gardener extraordinaire!
This photo was taken 2 years ago at Christmas, but is one of my all time favorites.

A Bit About Jacy

Jacy Blaire "Elizabeth" Blystone

Born on June 5th 2003. Soon to be a big 6 year old and on her way to 1st grade! She is Granny's Princess #1 and she is not afraid to tell you so.

She has the most incredible blue eyes you have ever seen! She got them from her "bologna" Granna! (just kidding Granna) Her hair is perfect and most of the time she has a bow on her head so big I swear she can barely hold it up!
She has the sweetest sprinkling of freckles on her nose and cheeks you just want to pinch her!

She likes to sing, dance and draw pretty pictures. She is prissy and bossy and makes her Granny laugh and smile! Especially with her silly cross-eyed faces and silly jokes.

Right now she has a grin with a few empty spaces that will melt your heart. She is really good at magic card tricks, helping her Granny water and plant pretty flowers and cooking.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of her.

Bluebonnets and Angels in White

Ok, ok, ok...

I know most of you have seen these photos because I post stuff in several places, but what good would a Granny's Bragin Spot be without these pictures of my beautiful angels? What you don't see the wings?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Weekend

I'm so excited about tomorrow. I'm going to take all my girlies to take their pictures in the bluebonnets and then we will bake and decorate cookies for Saturday's Easter Bash at the park. the weather should be good and the entire family is coming out.

Sack races, egg hunt and maybe even a little bit of fishing will be going on not to mention fattening food. I look forward to sand volley ball and watching the kids hunt the eggs. If I ever figure out how to post pictures, I'll add some!

God Bless and have a wonderful Easter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Blog

Ok my dear friend Tricia got me hooked when I saw her blog. I figured if she could do this I know I can. She is the sweetest person you could ever meet...ok cut the BS she is nice MOST of the time, but her keeping up with a blog is funny! I love her! So nobody better agree that I said she is lousy..err lazy about updating us on the kiddos, but she is striving to do better!

Our friend Carrie has been so great at keeping everyone updated on her adorable boys! She is good at this blogging thing so I will strive to be more like her (and Tricia you should too)!

Trica has adorable children that, if she keeps her promise we should be able to check in on on her blog. Mine will almost always be about one of the precious group that comprise my beloved gradkids and a few extras.

I like to write and I love to brag, because I believe that my grandbratz are the most adorable beings on God's green Earth! My spelling is atrocaous... terible....awfual.. err it is bad real bad. So you can try to figure it out, correct me or just keep it to yourself!

My first entry is done!